Mount Carmel's ECO co-ordinator Mr Crighton has some excellent ideas for keeping us occupied and aware of our environment.

He commented "Now does not seem like the time to worry about pieces of plastic, but I hope that during this period of time we can still reflect on our wonderful planet and how it is never more relevant than now to see the big picture. Here are some thoughts how to pass time on our hands and how we can use up, make do and mend."

  1. Grow simple seeds in yogurt pots, old containers, old boots, etc. Look for examples of growing small gardens in old wheelbarrows, maybe adding painted stones and small models to make a themed garden.
  2. Create a compost area. If you don't have a large compost bin just cover it up and try to stop oxygen getting to it. The organic contents will rot down and create a small habitat for important garden bugs.
  3. Ask an adult to try to look at ways to build a safe fire pit out of bricks, stones and left over hard core. Looks are not important now, but some of the most attractive structures are formed from the heart with simple things. 
  4. Put old twigs, unused things, things you would normally take to the tip in a neat pile in eyesight. Maybe a moment of looking at the pile will create something you could make on your own or with family?

Remember to take photographs of what you do and send to us to share. It will be nice to make a display in school once we are back and can celebrate the simple things we have done during this time. Be creative!