Mount Carmel Roman Catholic High School

Wordsworth Rd

01254 233458

Telephone: 01254 233458

Mrs Poole or Miss McIntyre will deal with your query or direct your call to the relevant person.



Please note:

The school day begins at 8.45am with a registration and assembly.

Students not in class for registration will be counted as late.

The school day finishes at 3.00pm and buses are arranged to depart at 3.10 -3.15pm.

Morning break is from 11.05 – 11.25am and the lunch interval is from 1.25- 1.55pm.

Total number of school hours = 31.25 hours per week



Mr A Dabrowski

Chair of Governors

Mr X Bowers


Mr B Georgy

Business Manager

Mr R Foster

Deputy Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Back up 1, SLT Lead: Catholic Life of the school, Pastoral Care, Attendance, Behaviour & Standards

Miss C Farrelly

Deputy Headteacher
SLT Lead: Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, Literacy & Numeracy

Mr J Hill

Assistant Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead, SLT Lead: Personal Development & Careers and Mental Health & Wellbeing

Mr K Georgy

Assistant Headteacher
SLT Lead: Exams, Qualifications, Assessments, Catch-up & PP Strategy

Mr D Sweeney

Assistant Headteacher / SENDCo.
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Back up 2