Year 11 last few weeks at Mount Carmel
We are fast approaching the start of the GCSE Exams for 2019 and in a few short weeks your son/daughter will be leaving Mount Carmel before taking their next steps into further education, training or employment.
Please ensure that you fully support your child during the exam season – it is a stressful time for them and they are likely to be feeling under pressure. By ensuring that your child eats at regular intervals, gets some early nights and has a quiet area at home to revise, your child will feel supported and prepared.
If required, exam equipment packs are available to purchase from school at a cost of £1.50. These packs contain all the stationery required for exams: two black pens, a pencil, eraser, sharpener, protractor and pair of compasses. Please note that they do not include a calculator.
During the GCSE season we will be making changes to the Year 11 timetable in order that pupils have access to last minute revision sessions and enter the exam room feeling as calm and prepared as possible. Pupils will be given a copy of the timetable and Form Tutors will remind them daily where they should be and when.
We are aware that Ramadan starts on 4 / 5 May and Eid al-Fitr celebrations will be taking place on Tuesday 4 June 2019. There is an English Language paper taking place at 9.00am on 4 June which all pupils must attend. If pupils celebrating Eid wish to leave school after the English exam to spend the day in celebration with their families, they may do so.
On Thursday 13 June pupils will be allowed an early finish for the day at 12.30pm. They are asked to complete their final revision for the Science exam on Friday at home. The awarding bodies have designated up until Wednesday 26 June 2019 for a contingency day in the event of national or local disruption to examinations. All pupils need to remain available until Wednesday 26 June 2019 should an awarding body need to invoke its contingency plan.
Pupils will officially leave school at 12.30pm on Friday 14 June having finished their final GCSE exam (apart from the Polish exam candidates). We have arranged a Leavers’ Assembly to celebrate your son/daughter’s five years at Mount Carmel which will be held after the Science exam at 11.00am. If your son/daughter would like to ask friends to sign a school shirt on that day they need to bring a spare shirt so that they do not let uniform standards slip on their last day.
We would like to commend our Year 11 pupils on the fantastic contribution they have made to the family of Mount Carmel during their five years with us. They have been a real credit to themselves and their families. We would also like to thank you as parents for your constant support during the last 5 years.
We are relying on them now to maintain their high standards right up until the very end of their school life and exams and look forward to seeing them all at the Year 11 Prom at Dunkenhalgh hotel, Blackburn on Friday 5 July.
I would also like to ask parents to remind their child of the importance of keeping themselves safe when undertaking any leaving school celebrations, especially with friends when not supervised by adults. It is this time of the year that youngsters can be easily influenced by others putting themselves at risk at late night celebrations and a lack of care regarding illegal substance use such as alcohol.
Year 11 GCSE Results Day – Thursday 22 August 2019
GCSE results should be collected from the school hall on Thursday 22 August 2019 between 9.00am and 10.30am. There will be staff present on the day to direct pupils to their collection point.
Pupils must collect their results in person. However, if they would like us to give their results to a parent or other family member, the pupil must give them a signed letter giving their permission. The collecting adult will also need to present some form of identification such as a driving licence or passport which matches their name on the letter.
If a pupil cannot collect their results on Thursday 22 August 2019, a stamped addressed envelope should be left with the examinations officer before school closes for the summer holidays on Friday 19 July 2019. Alternatively results can be collected from the school reception during school hours after the 3 September 2019.
Presentation Evening/Collection of Certificates – Thursday 14 November 2019
At this presentation evening we will celebrate the achievements of all of our outgoing Year 11 pupils and present them with their GCSE certificates. If pupils are unable to attend the presentation evening, they will need to collect their certificates from the school reception during school hours after 14 November 2019. Further details of the Presentation Evening will be sent out nearer the time.
Please remember that schools are only obliged to keep certificates for one year after they are issued. If they are not collected at presentation evening but they are then needed at a later date, pupils will have to contact each examination board separately for a further copy which will incur a charge. Some examination boards however do not re-issue certificates and will only issue a Certifying Statement of Results.
Once again I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and to wish your son or daughter the very best of luck in the future. We hope they achieve all that they deserve in the GCSE exams so that they are able to make their next steps with confidence and optimism.
Yours sincerely
Xavier Bowers
Paul Wickham
Achievement Co-ordinator Year 11
Dates for your diary
- Friday 14 June
2019 Leavers Assembly official leaving school at 12.30pm - Friday 5 July
Year 11 Leavers’ Prom at Dunkenhalgh Hotel - Thursday 22 August
GCSE results day 9.00am – 10.30am - Thursday 14 November
Awards Evening and presentation of GCSE certificates (details to follow)