The Carmelite Award Scheme is a challenge-based initiative developed to inspire and build confidence. Mount Carmel pupils from years 7 to 10 can choose to be involved and the scheme will progress through stages to help pupils develop both spiritually and morally.  

Each award consists of four categories; Prayer, Community, Service and Reliability and achievements for each category are recorded in the Carmelite section within the ‘Quick Links’ section of the EduLink One app. Each upload will be checked by a member of staff and pupils can see whether they have achieved each section through this.

There is a different award for each year group. The year 7 award is bronze, year 8 is silver, year 9 is gold and the year 10 award is platinum. The challenges are slightly different for each year group. If challenges are completed from awards higher than the one assigned to a pupil's year group, then that will be awarded accordingly.

To achieve each award, see the appropriate section below.

Bronze - year 7

Silver - year 8


Gold - year 9


Platinum - year 10


Pupils who are looking to become Senior Prefects in year 11 will be asked how their Carmelite Award is going when they are interviewed.
Awards will be presented to pupils who complete all the sections of the challenge scheme in the summer term. More details of this will be released nearer the time.

In school, we have charity boxes that pupils can use to collect money and then return to the finance office with their name and form on the bottom of the box. To pick up a charity box, pupils should see Mr Dugdale, Mrs Lowe or their form charity rep.


For more information about St Therese of Lisieux see this website

Who Is St. Therese - Society of the Little Flower